Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Spring Trip Chaperone Information

Just a few more things I failed to mention in the previous post/email...

The chaperone rate is based on "double occupancy", meaning two in a room. Obviously, husbands and wives going together would share a room. If you are attending without your spouse, you will be paired up with another chaperone attending "solo".

There will not be chaperones staying in the student rooms!

However, when we arrive at the hotel and assign rooms, we will place the chaperone rooms near the student rooms. For example: three or four student rooms, then a chaperone room, and so on.

Do not call the travel company handling this trip for us. They only handle groups and CANNOT book your individual trips. I received a call about this today from the Trip Coordinator regarding a phone call she received. She asked me to politely remind parents who are not designated chaperones as part of our group to make their own travel arrangements. As I mentioned in the previous post/email, you can contact the hotel directly by going to their web site

If you have any questions regarding the trip, please direct them to Gary or myself. Mr. Stough is focusing his time and effort on the performance aspect of this trip (preparing the band), and we are handling the trip details. We will be glad to assist you with any questions or concerns.