Monday, August 28, 2006

This Week's Announcements...

Away game this Friday, September 1st
ACA vs. Escambia County High School, Atmore, AL
The bus will be leaving the school at approximately 2:45 p.m. Students will need to make sure they have the following:

  • $10 Transportation Fee
  • Garment Bag with Uniform Pants/Coat
  • Shako (hat) with box
  • Black Socks
  • Black Gloves
  • Band T-Shirt
  • Black Band Shoes
Students who are missing any part of the uniform (ex: wearing white socks instead of black, etc.) will be suspended from that performance and their grade will suffer as a result.

We will be stopping in Evergreen for a dinner break. Students need to bring enough money for dinner and snacks (concessions) at the game. Bottled water and a snack during 3rd Quarter will be provided to the students by the Band Boosters. There will not be a food stop on the way home. Buses will not leave to come home until the Equipment Truck has been loaded and all students are accounted for.

If you are riding home with your parents from the game, your parents MUST personally SIGN YOU OUT with Mr. Harrell and sign his bus list indicating they are taking you home. Estimated time of arrival back at ACA is between 12:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Students will be instructed to call home once we've departed Escambia County High School and give a more accurate time of arrival at ACA. Please make sure you are on time to pick up your child. We will be tired and ready to go home, so please do us the courtesy of being on time to pick up your child and we will do our best to arrive at the time stated. There will be several chaperones on each bus, including Gary and Tracey Kirksey. Their cell phone numbers are 462-3368 and 462-3369 in case of an emergency.

Directions to the game won't be available until Wednesday in the School Office. Please call or stop by the school office to pick up directions if you are driving to the game.

Black Band Gloves
The band gloves will be in on Wednesday and will be distributed during 7th period. Please make sure your child has $5 for his/her band gloves. If you have already paid for the band gloves, it has been noted by your child's name. If you have any questions, please email Tracey Kirksey at or

Transportation Fee
Please make sure your child has his/her $10 transportation fee. It must be given to Gary or Tracey Kirksey before boarding the bus so their name can be checked off the list. If you have already turned in the transportation fee, it has been noted by their name.

Band T-Shirts
The Band T-shirts should be in either Thursday afternoon or Friday. They will be distributed to each student before Friday's game. Please make sure you have paid your $10 for the t-shirt. If you need more information, please email Elizabeth Staten at

Coke Orders
All Coke Orders MUST be turned in to Mrs. Peggy Oliver via the Elementary School Office by noon tomorrow (August 29th)! No orders will be accepted after that point! Thank you, Mrs. Oliver, for giving us a 2-day grace period!