Friday, August 11, 2006

Coming Soon!

Coke Fundraiser
Because of the success we have had in the past, we are planning on having 2 Coke fundraisers again this year. The first one will begin this Monday, August 14th! Order Forms will be sent home with your student on Monday and we will also send one in an email to ensure that you receive it. Orders will be taken for two weeks. We are requesting that each band member try to sell a minimum of 10 cases. We have to sell a certain amount to make any profit from Coke. You will be hearing more details at our Kick-off Supper on Tuesday evening.

Band Show Preview and Kick-off Supper
The kids are working so hard during rehearsals after school and we're sure you will be pleasantly surprised when you see the show preview on Tuesday, August 15th. The preview will begin at 5:45 p.m. at the Football Stadium, followed by a Chick-fil-A supper and our first band parent/booster meeting. We will be announcing some new and exciting things for our Boosters this year! We look forward to seeing you there!

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Gary or Tracey Kirksey, Band Booster Presidents at They can also be reached at 396-2799 (home) or 462-3369 (Gary's cell).