Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Concert Information

Student Information:
Band Room will be open for tuning and warming up beginning at 5:00
Beginning band students need to be in the gym in their chairs,
warmed up and ready to run through music at 5:45.
Intermediate band members need to be in the gym in their chairs,
warmed up and ready to run through music at 6:00.
High school band members need to be in the gym in their chairs,
warmed up and ready to run through music at 6:15.

Attire: Sunday dress
Girls - Must wear a dress or skirt that is mid-calf in length
or dress pants with a dressy sweater or blouse
Boys - Must wear dress pants, dress shirt and a tie

The Instrumental Christmas Concert
Performances by the Beginning, Intermediate, Jazz and Concert Bands and the Winter Guard
Date : Monday, December 15th
Place: ACA Gym
Time: 6:30 pm (see above for student warm up times)
Admission : $5.00 per person
Christmas Gift for Mr. Morrison
Traditionally a cash gift box has been
presented to the Director of Bands
as a way of showing our appreciation
for his all of his hard work.
The box will be on the ticket table.
Please be generous in your giving,
as he has been so generous with his time
and talents to the ACA Band Program.