Monday, October 02, 2006

Concessions Tent from this past Friday!

First, let me say a huge "THANK YOU" to all who volunteered at the Band Booster Concessions Tent, from those who helped with set-up, to those who prepared the items to sell, worked the tent and helped with clean up! Quite a TEAM effort and we couldn't have done it without each of you! I am so proud of our Band parents working together!

It's almost impossible to keep an accurate count of exactly how many items were sold. This is due to some waste and some items being given away at the end of the game. I can tell you this, we took in $1057 in Boiled Peanuts and Funnel Cake sales! We also took in $387 in snocone and cookie sales!

Total money taken in for this past Friday night's concessions was $1,444!!! Isn't that awesome?!

We won't be selling snocones for the rest of the season, due to the change in the weather. However, we will be selling funnel cakes and various other sweet treats. The funnel cakes were a huge hit and we couldn't make them fast enough. We had 3 electric skillets, but could only use two because we kept tripping a breaker. If someone knows of a solution to this problem, please let us know. I'm not sure we could operate off a generator because of the noise. Any other suggestions would be welcomed!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please email Gary or Tracey Kirksey at or We appreciate our band parents and love the ACA Band! Go Eagles!