Monday, July 24, 2006

One day down...four to go!!!

The kids did an awesome job today at their first day of band camp! The sun was conveniently tucked behind a cloud most of the morning, which gave some relief from the heat and they were able to stay out on the field until lunchtime. The drink breaks were short, but frequent (thank you Judy Rittenour, Elizabeth Staten and Gary Kirksey!) and the kids were working hard at learning those sets. By the end of the day, several pages of drill were set! Awesome job kids! We are so proud of you and your hard work and positive attitudes! Check out the pictures below...

REMINDER: camp will dismiss promptly at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday). This will allow those going to Troy to the DCI show to arrive on time. All students are encouraged to attend the show in Troy (transportation on your own). Tickets can be purchased at the gate for $20 and it's General Admission seating.

REMINDER: please turn in your forms and your $5 band camp fee if you haven't done so already!

Mrs. Morrison has an extra ticket to Saturday's DCI Show in Atlanta. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Morrison for details and more information.

See you tomorrow! Don't forget your sunscreen! We saw some pretty red faces today!