Saturday, July 25, 2009

Need parents to help sort and distribute uniforms! Any parent (male or female) that can help please call Michele to volunteer for this noble deed. I believe Michele can use help most of the day. Michele's home number is 277 - 4437 and her cell phone number is 313 - 1717.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Everyone is ready for next week's Band Camp!!

Needed Items as we prepare for the Fundraising Yard Sale:

bright colored poster board (for signs)
permanent markers
(Please send these on Monday morning!)

We need parents willing to post (and take down) signs. These need to go up early next week.

Also, we will need trucks and/or trailers to move items from ACA to the sale location on Friday evening.

We will need workers to set up tables and arrange items on Friday evening.

We will need workers all day on Saturday.

Hopefully we will have enough people volunteer that we can set up shifts.

We have a great opportunity to make money for the band, but we need everyone to help!!!

Make plans to donate, work and shop!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pre -Band Camp Day 1

Almost perfect attendance and wonderful weather conditions helped Band Camp get off to a great start!! Mr. Morrison seemed pleased with the progress and encouraged the students to keep practicing hard, both at school and home.

VOLUNTEERS still needed to remain at the Band Room during lunch and supper breaks. If you can help please see a Booster officer or respond by e-mail (

The Band Booster YARD SALE is also off to a great start! We had two large donations today from people who are not even connected to the band!! Be sure to mention the sale to your family, friends and neighbors - people often have things to get rid of and love to donate to a good cause! Thanks to Andrew N., Emily, Bradley, Andrew R., Shirts and Randal for being part of the "moving crew"!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

WELCOME to ACA BAND 2009-2010
Get Ready For Marching and Music Practice
Thursday, July 16th, 5:00-9:00

Pre- Band Camp (all marching band members)
July 22 and 23, 8:00-12:00

Band Camp
Monday, July 27, 8:00 am-9:00 pm
On Monday, the "Shoe Guy" will be at ACA during band camp. He will fit your child for marching shoes. The cost will be $29.00. If your child will need to purchase shoes, you will need to send payment on Monday. Gloves will also be purchased on Monday. Each student will need both a white and black pair of gloves.

Tuesday, July 28, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm

Wednesday, July 29, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday, July 30, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Band Boosters Meeting
7:30 pm
Please plan to join us to learn about the plans for the year
and about all the ways YOU can help!

Friday, July 31, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

for Band Camp Week!!

We need parents who are willing to stay at the band room during lunch and supper breaks with students who will not be leaving campus.
If you will be able to help with this, please respond by email to

Volunteers are also needed to help prepare and pass out drinks during breaks. If you have free time during the day or can come after work, this is a great way to be involved. Please respond by email with date/time you could be available. Thanks!

Band Booster Fundraiser Yard Sale!!
August 1st!
931 Federal Drive

Please help us make this event a success!

You can help in several ways: donating items, helping with supplies, set-up and clean-up, helping the day of the sale. Let's get started...

  1. Clean out and donate items that we can sell.

  2. Talk to family and friends and see they have items they would like to donate.

  3. Prepare items for sale : make sure all parts are together, put all clothes on hangers (except athletic t-shirts and shorts)

  4. Price items (please!)

  5. Bring Items to the bandroom any day during band camp or to the Boosters meeting on Thursday night or to sale location on Friday evening.
We will need tables, shade tents, fans and plastic bags (grocery style).
We need volunteers to help both Friday night and all day Saturday.

Make your plans to donate and shop!

Monday, August 3
Band Pictures 8:00-10:00
Rehearsal 11:00-5:00

SHOW PREVIEW and CHIK-FIL-A supper 6:00

An order form will be sent home by your child.

PLEASE Check Back Often for Updates!

Looking Forward to a GREAT Year!