Seems as though I have overloaded the band parents with lots of announcements lately! That's how it is the closer it gets to the end of the school year...things get crazy!!! Let me try to clarify some things...
Band Photos
This Thursday, May 3rd
during 7th period
This is the big "composite" photo that you see on the band room wall. The kids take their individual pictures in their band uniform; color guard is in their uniform and runners are in their black runner's t-shirt and khakis.
I have no information on photo order forms. Mr. Harrell is the contact person regarding the photos and his email address is
Uniform Turn-In Day is the SAME day!
Once the kids have had their picture made, they must turn in their uniform (including hat) to Mrs. Staten and Mrs. Rittenour. Uniforms are to have been DRY-CLEANED! We understand that they will be putting on a clean uniform, but only for a few minutes. Make sure the dry-cleaning receipt is turned in with the uniform.
ACA Bands Spring Concert
Tuesday, May 8th
6:00 p.m. in the M.P.R.
Attire is usually "Sunday" attire, but Mr. Stough will give the kids more information.
Band Booster Officer Elections
We will hold a very brief "Booster Meeting" during the Spring Concert to elect officers. Due to the "busy-ness" of the end of the year calendar, we have been unable to hold a separate meeting.
If you are interested in volunteering for a position, please view the descriptions on the band blog ( and then email me regarding the position in which you would like to volunteer.
End of the Year Band Banquet Luau
(for all ACA Band Students, grades 6-12)
Tuesday, May 15th
6:00 p.m. at Landmark Life Center
Cost: $5 per person (band students are free)
Attire: Hawaiian attire!
If your family joined the Boosters during the year, you will receive two (2) complimentary tickets AT the SPRING CONCERT! Band Students will receive their complimentary ticket during their band period class on Monday, May 7th.
All other family members that would like to attend (siblings, grandparents, etc.) may purchase tickets for $5 per person. These tickets are being sold in several locations and by several band officers for your convenience. Please see the following people for tickets: Peggy Oliver, Cecilia Porterfield, Michele Hensley, Elizabeth Staten, Tracey Kirksey, or stop by the High School Office!
The FINAL deadline to purchase tickets is May 8th (this has been extended to allow you to purchase tickets at the Spring Concert as well).
I know this is alot of information, but please read it carefully and print it and put it in a handy location! If you have any other questions, please email me at