Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Latest Announcements...

Kick-off Supper & Band Show Preview
Tuesday, August 7th
5:45 p.m. (NOTE NEW TIME!!!)
The show preview will take place on the football field promptly at 5:45 p.m. followed by our Chick-fil-A supper and brief, but informative Booster meeting.
The DEADLINE to turn in your reservation is this Friday, August 3rd at 12:00 noon!!! Email your reservation to Tracey at traceykirksey@knology.net or call 462-3368 (cell).

Workers Needed to Help Set-Up for Chick-fil-A Supper!
If you are able to come and help set up for the supper, we will begin around 3:00 p.m. in the M.P.R. We need some MEN that can help with the tables! Please email Julie Berube, Special Events Coordinator, at phjumara@bellsouth.net or jberube@alabamachristian.com if you are willing to help!

NEW Band Payment Box!!!
There is a metal cash box for band payments (transportation fees, Booster memberships, etc.) mounted on top of the black file cabinet just outside of Mr. Stough's office. There are also envelopes in a plexiglass stand with a pen to record your name and what the money is for. PLEASE use this payment box! This will help money from being misplaced. It is securely mounted and locked in place with just a slot to drop your payment. We will check it regularly. Make sure your name is on the envelope!

Band Photo
Monday, August 6th
9:00 a.m. on the football field
This will be a group photo and individual photos if you would like. Order forms will go home tomorrow (Wednesday) and MUST be turned in at time of taking the photo!
Attire: FULL band uniform which includes, jacket, coveralls, shako (which is the hat), black socks and black band shoes. If your shoes have not come in yet, you can just wear black socks or some other type of solid black shoes.

Students Note! Wednesday before leaving rehearsal, I need...
  • your T-Shirt size
  • your Glove size
  • to give you your Band Photo Order Form
DO NOT LEAVE until I have seen you about the things listed above!!!
Check the latest rehearsal schedule listed (below) or on the Band web site at http://www.acaband.blogspot.com/.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Announcements, Information & a Priceless Video!

The first full week of band camp is over! The kids worked hard and played hard too (see video at the end of this post). So much progress was made and I think all the parents will really be surprised at our Kick-Off Supper & Show Preview on August 7th!

Now for the announcements...

Band Rehearsal Schedule for next two weeks:
Monday, July 30th
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Tuesday, July 31st
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Wednesday, August 1st
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Thursday, August 2nd (no rehearsal)

Friday, August 3rd (tentatively)
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Mr. Stough will let the kids know on Wednesday if this rehearsal is confirmed.

Monday, August 6th (this is also processing day)
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
(immediately following the band photo--see info. below)

Tuesday, August 7th (Chick-fil-A Supper & Show Preview Day)
3:00 p.m. rehearsal until 6:00 p.m. when the show preview will take place!

Processing Day Volunteers Needed!
We are in need of volunteers to work the Band Booster table during processing. Processing Day is Monday, August 6th from 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you are able to sign-up for 30 minutes or an hour, please email me at traceykirksey@knology.net.

Band Photo Day!
Monday, August 6th
9:00 a.m. (sharp!) on the football field
Band students MUST be in FULL uniform (including shako, black shoes, instrument, etc.).
Order forms will be distributed at rehearsal on Wednesday, August 1st and must be returned the day of the photo! (This is the group photo that goes in the yearbook and the football programs and also individual photos are taken that day too).

Bring a change of clothes--rehearsal following the Band Photo!
Monday, August 6th
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Don't forget, this means you must process either earlier before the photo and rehearsal or right at noon!

Chick-fil-A Band Booster Kick-off Supper & Band Show Preview
Tuesday, August 7th
6:00 p.m. (show preview on the football field)
followed by a Chick-fil-A supper and first Band Booster meeting in the M.P.R.
Cost: $5 per ticket (all students need a ticket too!)
ALL BANDS ARE INVITED! (6th grade, 7th grade and High School Marching Band)
If you have any questions, please email me at traceykirksey@knology.net.

Volunteers Needed to help with Chick-fil-A Supper
We need volunteers to help set-up (beginning at approximately 3:00 p.m.), help serve and help with clean-up. If you are able to volunteer, please email Julie Berube, Special Events Coordinator, at phjumara@bellsouth.net or jberube@alabamachristian.com.

Band Information Forms
I still have several students that haven't turned in their band student/parent information sheets and/or their $5 band camp fee. I will send that list in a separate email.

Band Camp Water Balloon War
Check out this priceless video (turn up your speakers) and the photo below...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Band Camp - Day 3

The kids came ready to work hard again! The morning was spent on the field polishing up the sets that had already been learned plus a 30 minute break! After lunch, the kids went into sectionals to work on "Sir Duke" and then out to the field to add more sets!

The humidity was high, but the Lord was good keeping the sun behind a BIG cloud ALL afternoon while the kids were marching! At the end of the day, the kids are treated to popsicles for a nice cool down!

Enjoy the videos...

Adding more sets...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Band Camp - Day 2 plus announcements!

Well, we knew the pleasant weather wouldn't last long! Seems like someone turned on the "humidity" switch yesterday afternoon! The kids worked hard all day--marching in the morning, then a group rehearsal with Mr. Stough and then marching again late in the afternoon. Each day builds on the day before and it's really starting to come together.

Great work, kids! And a big "thank you" to Mr. Stough for his dedication and leadership!

Don't forget your $5 band camp fee is due today along with your paperwork! Parents, if your kids forgot to bring it today---PLEASE have it in no later than tomorrow!

Sorry no pictures or video for Day 2--but I think this one sums it up...

(no, this is not a homeless child! This is sweet Savannah, listening to the group rehearsal in the afternoon, curled up in the garment bag box and took advantage of nap time!)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 1 - Band Camp 2007

Well, it was not as sizzling hot as it's been in years past during band camp. This morning was quite pleasant while the sun stayed behind the clouds and allowed the kids to really get some good work done. Mr. Stough, our director, Rachel Phillips, Color Guard Coordinator, and Kevin Morrison, Visual Coordinator, were all keeping the kids on task! Our drink crew, Elizabeth Staten, Judy Rittenour, my hubby, Gary, and myself were there making sure the kids stayed hydrated by providing Gatorade and ice water. Also, thanks to Mrs. Rittenour for providing the mist fans.

The kids worked hard setting drill all morning, then after lunch, broke into sectionals and then back again on the field by 2:45 p.m. to work more drill with instruments this time!

Below are pictures and a video. REMEMBER parents, each day of camp BUILDS on the day before!!! The video may sound a little "rough around the edges" but it is AWESOME for the FIRST DAY of band camp! We are so proud of all of you kids!

See you bright and early in the morning...and don't forget your sunscreen!!! We saw alot of red little faces out there today!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lots of Band Announcements!

PLEASE read ALL the announcements! There are some pertaining to Marching Band and others that apply to the entire band program!

Full Marching Band Camp
July 23rd - 27th
and July 30th - August 1st
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Band Camp Fee is $5.00.
(Please bring this in by Wednesday, July 25th.)

Information packets with student/parent information sheets, permission slips, etc. will be sent home the first day of band camp and due back by Wednesday, July 25th.

~ wear shorts and t-shirts (acceptable for school wear but uniforms are not required)
~ wear Athletic type shoes and socks (no boots, croks, sandals, etc.)
~ bring personal water cooler (water breaks will be short, but frequent)
~ wear plenty of Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher recommended)
~ bring a lunch or lunch money, plus a couple of healthy snacks (band not providing lunch)

Band Uniform Fitting
Each day immediately following band camp, we will have different sections stay a few minutes later for their uniform fitting. This will keep us front interrupting band camp rehearsal. If everyone cooperates and follows instructions, it will only take a few minutes.

The following sections are to remain after rehearsal on the following days:
Flutes and Clarinets
Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Trumpets
Mellophones, Trombones, Percussion
Baritones, Tubas

If you have any problems or conflicts on the day scheduled, please talk with Mrs. Elizabeth Staten and she will make alternate arrangements. Her email is

Lunch Sitter Volunteers Needed During Band Camp!
We need an adult chaperone to sit with the band kids that remain in the band room for lunch during band camp. We need one volunteer per day, Monday - Friday or the following Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of camp. You would need to arrive around 11:30 a.m. and remain until about 1:00 p.m. If you are able to volunteer, PLEASE email me at
traceykirksey@knology.net and let me know which day you are able to chaperone. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Processing Day Volunteers Needed!
We will have a Band Booster table set-up for processing day. We are in need of volunteers to work the table from 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you can stay 30 minutes to an hour, it would be greatly appreciated. Please email me with the time you are able to work the table. (NOTE: processing finishes at 1:00 p.m., not 3:00 p.m. like stated on calendar!)

Exciting New Things on the Horizon!
We have some exciting new things to discuss with Band Boosters this year!!! We are going to need volunteers to "step up" and assist this year MORE THAN ANY YEAR BEFORE!!! We cannot do this without YOU! Remember...TOGETHER we achieve MUCH!

Dates to Remember:

Band Booster Kick-Off Supper & Show Preview
(this is open to all band members--not just marching band!
Tuesday, August 7th at 6:00 p.m.
Reservation Forms will be in the band camp packets. I will also email the form to all band parents (6th & 7th graders) and you can mail your reservations to the school to the attention of the Band Boosters. Don't miss out on all the exciting announcements that will be made that evening!!!

First Annual Band-A-Rama
Thursday, August 23rd
Join us for an exciting evening as we bring together all the private school bands in our area for a preview of their marching shows. Help us host this event and show our hospitality to the community! Concession Stand workers will be needed!!!

2007-2008 Football Schedule
August 31st - Escambia Co. (home)
September 7 - Opp (away)
September 14 - St. James (home)
September 21 - Ashford (home)
September 28 - Catholic (away)
October 5 - Bullock Co. (to be determined)
October 12 - Trinity (home)
October 19 - Daleville (away)
October 26 - Andalusia (home)
November 2 - Montgomery Academy (home)

Competition Dates:
September 29th & October 20th
More details will be announced as the dates get closer!

Whew! That's alot of announcements! We're starting the year off with a bang and we are SO excited about this coming year in the band program and are so glad you and your child are a part of it!

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, please don't hesitate to email either Gary at
gkirksey@knology.net or Tracey at traceykirksey@knology.net or acabands@yahoo.com. We look forward to working with you to make this the best band booster program around!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Off to a good start!

Marching Band has hit the ground running! Tuesday evening was the kick-off to this year's marching season. It was almost a full group playing rehearsal and for their first time together, they sounded great. There is still lots of "polishing" to do, but that will come in time with plenty of rehearsal. The big thunderstorm that rolled through caught some of them off guard with their vehicle windows rolled down, but it sure didn't dampen their enthusiasm!

Today was the first day of Rookie Camp and the kids did great. It wasn't too hot, but even still, we had plenty of ice water to keep the kids hydrated. When asked how he felt it went, Mr. Stough replied, "I think this is the best group of rookies we've had! Today was a great day!"

Posted below are some pictures. I will try to feature all the kids at some point during band camp. Rest up and be ready for another day of hard work tomorrow!

Monday, July 16, 2007


Full Band Playing Rehearsal
Tuesday, July 17th
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
in the Band Room

Rookie Camp (those that are new to marching)
July 18th-20th
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Monday, July 09, 2007

Summer Band Announcements!

Band Camp is just around the corner and we are looking forward to your participation! We trust each of you received a summer band calendar in the mail. Here is a reminder of important upcoming dates:

Full Band Playing Rehearsal
Tuesday, July 17th
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Band Room

Rookie Camp (those that are new to marching)
July 18th-20th
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Full Band Camp
July 23rd - August 1st
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Band Camp Fee is $5.00.
Please bring this in by Wednesday, July 25th.
Information packets with student/parent information sheets, permission slips, etc. will be sent home the first day of band camp and due back the end of the week.

  • wear shorts and t-shirts (acceptable for school wear but uniforms are not required)
  • wear Athletic type shoes and socks (no boots, croks, sandals, etc.)
  • bring personal water cooler (water breaks will be short, but frequent)
  • wear plenty of Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher recommended)
  • bring a lunch or lunch money, plus a couple of healthy snacks (band not providing lunch)
Marching Shoes Fitting
Thursday, July 19th
11:00 a.m.
This is for students who need the black marching shoes. The cost is $26 and payable at the time of the fitting. Checks should be made out to James Thompson (the shoe guy).

Your Band Booster Officers for 2007-2008
Gary and Tracey Kirksey, Presidents
Tony and Elizabeth Staten, Vice-Presidents
Deborah Streetman, Treasurer
Diane Patterson, Secretary
Judy Rittenour, Fundraising/Ways & Means
Mike Bush, Staging/Maintenance/Performance
Phil and Julie Berube, Special Events Coordinators
Laura Harris, Publications
Cecilia Porterfield, 7th Grade Representative
Wendy Jones, 6th Grade Representative

We are looking forward to another great year! We have a super team of band parents that step up and get the job done! Remember, TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE MUCH!